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gad-public / cnvCallerGPU
A cnv caller written in python for GPU usage on GS experiments
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gad-public / singularity
Collection of singularity def files
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Yannis Duffourd / FST_Bioinfo_2022
Script to configure unix env on IFB cloud VM for the FST bioinfo.
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Anne-Sophie Denommé-Pichon / STR
Get STR genotype from short-read genomes
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gad-public / pharmAnnot
Pharmacogenomics pipeline on WES data.
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gad-public / pipelinemito
Docker file for the mitochondrial bioinformatics pipeline . This pipeline was created to analyze off target mtDNA sequences captured indirectly while exome enrichment is performed.
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Anne-Sophie Denommé-Pichon / Downsampling
Scripts to downsample bam files
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Anne-Sophie Denommé-Pichon / Trimming
Scripts to trim fastq files
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gad-public / RNASeq_pipeline
Public RNASeq Pipeline from GAD Team, intended to be implemented in SolveRD Project.