Commit 525abefc authored by Yannis Duffourd's avatar Yannis Duffourd

adding new method to write the full consensus sequence

parent a04b957e
......@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ Vihgo::Vihgo() {
Vihgo::Vihgo(string iBF, string gF, string rtF, string intF, string protF,
string refF, string outF, string cResF, string csF, string iRCB,
int dT, int nT, int lL, double rT, double pvT, bool countStop) {
int dT, int nT, int lL, double rT, double pvT, bool countStop, bool fullCS) {
this->inputBamFile = iBF;
this->geneFile = gF;
this->integraseFile = intF;
......@@ -48,6 +48,7 @@ Vihgo::Vihgo(string iBF, string gF, string rtF, string intF, string protF,
this->ratioThreshold = rT;
this->pvalueThreshold = pvT;
this->countStop = countStop;
this->fullCS = fullCS;
this->codonTable.insert(pair<string, string>("TTT", "F"));
this->codonTable.insert(pair<string, string>("TTC", "F"));
......@@ -130,7 +131,14 @@ int Vihgo::mainLoop() {
if (this->fullCS){
return 0;
......@@ -1727,6 +1735,70 @@ void Vihgo::writeConsensus() {
// Method to compute and write the full consensus sequence
void Vihgo::writeFullConsensus() {
cerr << "Writing full consensus sequence ... " << endl;
ofstream csStream;>getConsensusFile()).c_str(), ios::out);
map<string, map<int, map<string, int>>>::iterator myIterA;
map<int, map<string, int>>::iterator myIterB;
map<string, int>::iterator myIterC;
map<string, map<int, string>>::iterator myIterE;
map<int, string>::iterator myIterF;
for (myIterE = this->protCodon.begin(); myIterE != this->protCodon.end();
myIterE++) {
string prot = myIterE->first;
string chrom = getChrFromProt(prot);
if (!(this->sampleData.count(chrom) > 0)) {
csStream << ">" << prot << endl;
for (myIterF = (myIterE->second).begin();
myIterF != (myIterE->second).end(); myIterF++) {
int aaPosition = myIterF->first;
int gPosition;
map<int, int> tmpMap = this->refProtCorresp[prot];
map<int, int>::iterator myIterG;
for (myIterG = tmpMap.begin(); myIterG != tmpMap.end(); myIterG++) {
if (myIterG->second == aaPosition) {
gPosition = myIterG->first;
// cerr << "ppos : " << aaPosition << " ; genomic position is : " <<
// gPosition << endl;
// determine most frequent codon
string codon = "NNN";
int count = 0;
if (this->sampleData[chrom].count(gPosition) > 0) {
map<string, int> tmpMapCodon;
tmpMapCodon = this->sampleData[chrom][gPosition];
map<string, int>::iterator myIterH;
for (myIterH = tmpMapCodon.begin(); myIterH != tmpMapCodon.end();
myIterH++) {
if (myIterH->second > count) {
codon = myIterH->first;
count = myIterH->second;
csStream << codon;
csStream << endl;
// method to get the chromosome in which the prot is included
string Vihgo::getChrFromProt(string incProt) {
return this->genes[incProt]["chrom"];
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