Commit 0243b7fc authored by Yannis Duffourd's avatar Yannis Duffourd

Adding support for undetermined AA from codon containing N

parent a279d9db
......@@ -550,7 +550,7 @@ void Vihgo::writeCodonFile( string incType )
string ref = *myIterD;
string refCodon = this->referenceCodon[myIterA->first][myIterB->first];
string refAA = this->codonTable[refCodon];
string refAA = this->getAAfromCodon(refCodon);
int position = this->refProtCorresp[ref][myIterB->first];
double depth = 0.0;
......@@ -563,7 +563,7 @@ void Vihgo::writeCodonFile( string incType )
for( myIterC = (myIterB->second).begin() ; myIterC != (myIterB->second).end() ; myIterC ++ )
string altCodon = myIterC->first;
string altAA = this->codonTable[altCodon];
string altAA = this->getAAfromCodon(altCodon);
double altCount = myIterC->second;
double allelicRatio = ( altCount / depth ) * 100;
......@@ -610,6 +610,7 @@ void Vihgo::writeCodonFile( string incType )
// Method to get annotation for variation
// Actually has been deactivated yet
......@@ -1058,14 +1059,14 @@ int Vihgo::variantCalling()
double altNumber = 0.0;
string refCodon = this->referenceCodon[myIterA->first][myIterB->first];
string aa = codonTable[refCodon];
string aa = this->getAAfromCodon(refCodon);
// cerr << "Analysing codon " << myIterA->first << ":" << myIterB->first << " ; Ref is : " << refCodon << " : " << aa << endl;
for( myIterC = (myIterB->second).begin() ; myIterC != (myIterB->second).end() ; myIterC ++ )
string currentCodon = myIterC->first;
string currentAa = codonTable[currentCodon];
string currentAa = this->getAAfromCodon(currentCodon);
// cerr << "\tin control : " << currentCodon << " : " << currentAa << " : " << myIterC->second << endl;
......@@ -1107,14 +1108,14 @@ int Vihgo::variantCalling()
double altNumber = 0.0;
string refCodon = this->referenceCodon[myIterA->first][myIterB->first];
string aa = codonTable[refCodon];
string aa = this->getAAfromCodon(refCodon);
// cerr << "Analysing codon " << myIterA->first << ":" << myIterB->first << " ; Ref is : " << refCodon << " : " << aa << endl;
for( myIterC = (myIterB->second).begin() ; myIterC != (myIterB->second).end() ; myIterC ++ )
string currentCodon = myIterC->first;
string currentAa = codonTable[currentCodon];
string currentAa = this->getAAfromCodon(currentCodon);
// cerr << "\tin sample : " << currentCodon << " : " << currentAa << " : " << myIterC->second << endl;
......@@ -1240,7 +1241,7 @@ int Vihgo::variantCalling()
// result file
ofstream outresultStream; (this->outputFile).c_str() , ios::out);
outresultStream << "#gene\tchromosome\tgPosition\tAAPosition\treferenceCodon\treferenceAA\tvariantCodon\tvariantAA\ttotalDepth\tAlternativeAlleleratio\tFETp-value\tFETbgp-value\tAnnotation" << endl;
outresultStream << "#chromosome\tgPosition\tgene\tAAPosition\treferenceCodon\treferenceAA\tvariantCodon\tvariantAA\ttotalDepth\tAlternativeAlleleratio\tFETp-value\tFETbgp-value\tAnnotation" << endl;
// test each position
cerr << "Variant calling in progress ... " << endl;
......@@ -1282,11 +1283,11 @@ int Vihgo::variantCalling()
// cerr << "\t\tgetting ref informations ..." << endl;
string refCodon = this->referenceCodon[myIterD->first][myIterE->first];
string aa = codonTable[refCodon];
string aa = this->getAAfromCodon(refCodon);
// cerr << "\t\tgetting sample informations ..." << endl;
string currentCodon = myIterF->first;
string currentAa = codonTable[currentCodon];
string currentAa = this->getAAfromCodon(currentCodon);
// disengage variant calling if ref aa = alt aa (synonymous)
if (aa == currentAa)
......@@ -1923,7 +1924,18 @@ char Vihgo::getReferenceBase( string incChr , int incPos )
// method to get AA from a codon
string Vihgo::getAAfromCodon( string incCodon )
if ( this->codonTable.count( incCodon ) > 0)
return this->codonTable[incCodon];
return "?";
vector<string> Vihgo::getAnnotationFiles()
......@@ -73,6 +73,8 @@ class Vihgo
char getBase( int );
char getReferenceBase( std::string , int );
// map of codon
std::map<std::string , std::string > codonTable;
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