Commit c636cfd7 authored by Valentin Vautrot's avatar Valentin Vautrot

Add more detail to %help section, simplify and correct %labels and %test section

parent ec5e1c7c
......@@ -2,12 +2,20 @@ Bootstrap: docker
From: centos:8
# in progress
This is a singularity container packing a python 3.9.6 (only version) environment with all the packages necessary to execute all the python scripts present in the version 2.10.0 of the gad pipeline.
Python v3.9.6 is the latest available version in CentOS v8.5.211 used for this build.
Authors :
python3.9.6 is installed in /usr/bin/python3.9/
non-default python3.9.6 libs are installed in /usr/lib/python3.9/site-packages/
pip-installed packages can be called with :
singularity exec -e /path/to/this/sif/image python3 -m pip list installed
singularity test /path/to/this/sif/image
Other custom GAD packages include GeneralTools, LabkeyTools, InterTools, VcfTools, CnvTools from v2.10.0 of the gadpipeline, modified to work with python3.9
(= from the 2.11.0_python3 branch)
......@@ -57,14 +65,13 @@ pip3.9 install --upgrade -t /usr/lib/python3.9/site-packages/ simplejson
rmdir /data/
printf "\n\ntest phase ################\n\n"
echo "python version :"
python3 -V
echo "listing installed pip packages :"
python3 -m pip list
container v0.1
Creation date : 2023-09-13
Contained OS version : CentOS 8.5.211
Contained python version : 3.9.6
\ No newline at end of file
container_version v0.1
Creation date 2023-09-13
Contained_OS_version CentOS 8.5.211
Contained_python_version 3.9.6
\ No newline at end of file
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