Description : This is a singularity/apptainer container packing bismark v0.24.2. It can be run by mounting a host bowtie2 installation directory, preferably towards /usr/bin/bowtie2/ destination to avoid PATH problems. Python2 is installed with the required librairies to run the miniconda version of bowtie2-2.3.2 present on the ccub.
Description : This is a singularity/apptainer container packing bismark v0.24.2. It can be run by mounting a host bowtie2 installation directory, preferably towards /usr/bin/bowtie2/ destination to avoid PATH problems. Python2 is installed with the required librairies to run a version of bowtie2 present on the ccub. DMRFinder is installed in /usr/bin/DMRfinder/ along with R v.4.4.0 and the bioconductor DSS package.
Use "singularity test <path/to/this/container.sif>" to see --version calls of installed softwares.