# filesystem packages updates poses problems by tempering with /proc, which is supposed to be owned by root, but is not in the .sif image
dnf remove -y python3 && dnf autoremove
# by safety but useless, "python3" not found. The python3 present in /usr/bin in final image is created with python3.9 install, so it is only a dependency ? python3 --version is 3.9.6 alright.
# by safety but useless, "python3" not found, just librairies (for dnf ?). The python3 present in /usr/bin in final image is created with python3.9 install, so it is only a dependency ? python3 --version is 3.9.6 alright.
# is causing an error due to plotly.plotly module being deprecated in python3.9. chart-studio package (with the chart_studio.plotly module) is to be used in replacement.