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# Mitochondria pipeline README
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## Pre-requisites
This pipeline requires docker.
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GRCh38 reference file needs to be loaded in </path/to/references/directory>, decompressed, indexed by BWA and SequenceDictionary generated by picard tools. The GRCh38 genome version is mandatory (you can not use hg19). You can download it from
samples.R1.fastq.gz and sample.R2.fastq.gz files need to be loaded in <path/to/fastq/gz/samples/files/directory> without subfolder. Each sample needs to be sequenced in paired-end.
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## Hardware requirements
We strongly recommend a computer with at least:
- Memory 16 Go.
- CPU 2 to 16 cores.
- 30 Go disk space.
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## Download Pipeline
We provide a docker version for local usage. Download docker image pipelinemitov1.tar (
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## Load and run pipeline  
	docker load -i pipelinemitov1.tar
	docker run  -v </path/to/fastq/gz/samples/files/directory>:/data:rw -v </path/to/references/directory>:/mitopipeline:ro --env THREAD=<int> --env REFNAME=<ref.fa> pipelinemitov1
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	docker load -i pipelinemitov1.tar
	docker run  -v /data/docker-data:/data:rw -v /data/docker-references:/mitopipeline:ro --env THREAD=2 --env REFNAME=grch38.fa pipelinemitov1
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## Input File Format
The input format is fastq.gz. 

## Output Files Formats
The ouput formats are TSV and VCF.
Each variants is annotated with:
- Chromosome
- Position
- Reference and alternative alleles
- Genomic change
- Filters flags:  Is the variant synonymous (SYN)? frequent in GenBank (FM)? frequent in our cohort (FB)? determining patient haplogroup (HPG)? Or is not filtered (PASS)?
- Genotype (0/0, 0/1, 1/1)
- Genbank frequency (0 to 100.0%)
- Haplogroups defined by the variant
- Heteroplasmy rate (0 to 100.0%)
- MitoTIP score hen available (0 to 100.0%)

TSV report contains all mitochondria variants flagged "PASS". 

## Cite

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