Commit 74f8d0ae authored by Theo Serralta's avatar Theo Serralta

Add some functions

parent c832a6ba
...@@ -9,14 +9,14 @@ from pycuda.compiler import SourceModule ...@@ -9,14 +9,14 @@ from pycuda.compiler import SourceModule
import pycuda.gpuarray as gpuarray import pycuda.gpuarray as gpuarray
from pycuda.autoinit import context from pycuda.autoinit import context
import multiprocessing import multiprocessing
from multiprocessing import Process from multiprocessing import Process, Queue
# Options # Options
def parse_arguments(): def parse_arguments():
try: try:
opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'b:w:s:t:o:e:') opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'b:w:s:z:t:o:e:')
bamfile_path, window_size, step_size, output_file, logfile = None, None, None, None, None bamfile_path, window_size, step_size, zscore_threshold, output_file, logfile = None, None, None, None, None, None
for opt, arg in opts: for opt, arg in opts:
if opt in ("-b"): if opt in ("-b"):
bamfile_path = arg bamfile_path = arg
...@@ -24,17 +24,19 @@ def parse_arguments(): ...@@ -24,17 +24,19 @@ def parse_arguments():
window_size = int(arg) window_size = int(arg)
if opt in ("-s"): if opt in ("-s"):
step_size = int(arg) step_size = int(arg)
if opt in ("-z"):
zscore_threshold = float(arg)
if opt in ("-o"): if opt in ("-o"):
output_file = arg output_file = arg
if opt in ("-e"): if opt in ("-e"):
logfile = arg logfile = arg
return bamfile_path, window_size, step_size, output_file, logfile return bamfile_path, window_size, step_size, zscore_threshold, output_file, logfile
except getopt.GetoptError: except getopt.GetoptError:
print('Invalid argument') print('Invalid argument')
sys.exit(1) sys.exit(1)
if __name__ == '__main__': if __name__ == '__main__':
bamfile_path, window_size, step_size, output_file, logfile = parse_arguments() bamfile_path, window_size, step_size, zscore_threshold, output_file, logfile = parse_arguments()
logging.basicConfig(filename='%s' % (logfile), filemode='a', level=logging.INFO, format='%(asctime)s %(levelname)s - %(message)s') logging.basicConfig(filename='%s' % (logfile), filemode='a', level=logging.INFO, format='%(asctime)s %(levelname)s - %(message)s')'start')'start')
global seq global seq
...@@ -109,12 +111,68 @@ __global__ void calcul_map_kernel(float *map_data, int seq_length, int window_si ...@@ -109,12 +111,68 @@ __global__ void calcul_map_kernel(float *map_data, int seq_length, int window_si
} }
} }
// Kernel pour calculer la lecture de profondeur corrigee par la mappabilitee
__global__ void calcul_depth_correction_kernel(float *depth_results, float *map_results, int seq_length, int window_size, int step_size, float *depth_correction_results) {
int idx = threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x * blockDim.x;
if (idx < seq_length - window_size + 1) {
float avg_depth = depth_results[idx];
float avg_map = map_results[idx];
// Verification si avg_map est egal a 0 pour eviter la division par 0
float depth_correction = (avg_map != 0.0f) ? (avg_depth / avg_map) : 0.0f;
depth_correction_results[idx] = depth_correction;
// Kernel pour normaliser la profondeur corrigee
__global__ void normalize_depth_kernel(float *depth_correction, float *gc_results, float m, float *gc_to_median, int seq_length, int window_size, int step_size, float *depth_normalize) {
int idx = threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x * blockDim.x;
if (idx < seq_length - window_size + 1) {
float mGC = gc_to_median[(int)gc_results[idx]];
// Verification si mGC est egal a 0 pour eviter la division par 0
float depth_normalize_val = (mGC != 0.0f) ? (depth_correction[idx] * m / mGC) : 0.0f;
depth_normalize[idx] = depth_normalize_val;
// Kernel pour calculer le ratio par window
__global__ void ratio_par_window_kernel(float *depth_normalize_val, float mean_chr, int seq_length, int window_size, int step_size, float *ratio_par_window_results) {
int idx = threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x * blockDim.x;
if (idx < seq_length - window_size + 1) {
float ratio = depth_normalize_val[idx] / mean_chr;
ratio_par_window_results[idx] = ratio;
// Kernel pour calculer le z_score par window
__global__ void z_score_kernel(float *depth_normalize_val, float mean_chr, float std_chr, int seq_length, int window_size, int step_size, float *z_score_results) {
int idx = threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x * blockDim.x;
if (idx < seq_length - window_size + 1) {
float z_score = (depth_normalize_val[idx] - mean_chr) / std_chr;
z_score_results[idx] = z_score;
""") """)
# Obtention de la fonction de kernel compilée # Obtention de la fonction de kernel compilée
calcul_depth_kernel_cuda = mod.get_function("calcul_depth_kernel") calcul_depth_kernel_cuda = mod.get_function("calcul_depth_kernel")
calcul_gc_kernel_cuda = mod.get_function("calcul_gc_kernel") calcul_gc_kernel_cuda = mod.get_function("calcul_gc_kernel")
calcul_map_kernel_cuda = mod.get_function("calcul_map_kernel") calcul_map_kernel_cuda = mod.get_function("calcul_map_kernel")
calcul_depth_correction_kernel_cuda = mod.get_function("calcul_depth_correction_kernel")
normalize_depth_kernel_cuda = mod.get_function("normalize_depth_kernel")
ratio_par_window_kernel_cuda = mod.get_function("ratio_par_window_kernel")
z_score_kernel_cuda = mod.get_function("z_score_kernel")
############################################# #############################################
######<---Fonctions mappability--->######### ######<---Fonctions mappability--->#########
...@@ -230,30 +288,84 @@ def calcul_depth_seq(seq_length, bamfile_path, chr): ...@@ -230,30 +288,84 @@ def calcul_depth_seq(seq_length, bamfile_path, chr):
sys.stderr.write("\t Leaving calcul_depth_seq\n") sys.stderr.write("\t Leaving calcul_depth_seq\n")
return depth_data return depth_data
######<---Fonctions calcul medianes--->######
def calcul_med_total(depth_correction_results):
sys.stderr.write("\t entering calcul_med_total\n")
depth_correction_results = np.array(depth_correction_results)
# Filtrer les résultats pour enlever les valeurs égales à 0
non_zero_results = depth_correction_results[depth_correction_results != 0]
# Calculer la médiane des résultats non nuls
m = np.median(non_zero_results) if non_zero_results.size > 0 else 0
sys.stderr.write("\t Leaving calcul_med_total\n")
return m
def calcul_med_same_gc(gc_results, depth_correction_results):
sys.stderr.write("\t entering calcul_med_same_gc\n")
mGC = []
depth_correction_results_array = np.array(depth_correction_results)
unique_gc_values = np.unique(gc_results)
for gc in unique_gc_values:
indices = np.where(gc_results == gc) # Donne les positions où se trouve chaque valeur de unique_gc_values dans le tableau gc_results
# Filtrer les résultats de depth_correction pour enlever les valeurs égales à 0
filtered_depths = depth_correction_results_array[indices][depth_correction_results_array[indices] != 0]
if filtered_depths.size > 0: # Calculer la médiane seulement si les résultats filtrés ne sont pas vides
median_gc = np.median(filtered_depths)
median_gc = 0 # Ou une autre valeur par défaut si tous les résultats sont 0
#print(f'valeur {gc} position {indices}, filtered_depths = {filtered_depths} et median_gc = {median_gc}')
mGC.append((gc, median_gc))
gc_to_median = dict(mGC)
sys.stderr.write("\t Leaving calcul_med_same_gc\n")
return gc_to_median
######<---Fonction calcul moyenne--->######
def calcul_moy_totale(normalize_depth_results):
sys.stderr.write("\t entering calcul_moy_totale\n")
normalize_depth_results = np.array(normalize_depth_results)
# Filtrer les résultats pour enlever les valeurs égales à 0
non_zero_results = normalize_depth_results[normalize_depth_results != 0]
# Calculer la mpyenne des résultats non nuls
mean_chr = np.mean(non_zero_results) if non_zero_results.size > 0 else 0
sys.stderr.write("\t Leaving calcul_moy_totale\n")
return mean_chr
######<---Fonction calcul std--->#####
def calcul_std(normalize_depth_results):
sys.stderr.write("\t entering calcul_std\n")
normalize_depth_results = np.array(normalize_depth_results)
# Filtrer les résultats pour enlever les valeurs égales à 0
non_zero_results = normalize_depth_results[normalize_depth_results != 0]
# Calculer le std des résultats non nuls
std_chr = np.std(non_zero_results) if non_zero_results.size > 0 else 0
sys.stderr.write("\t Leaving calcul_std\n")
return std_chr
################################# #################################
######<---Fonction main--->###### ######<---Fonction main--->######
################################# #################################
def main_calcul(bamfile_path, chr, seq_length, window_size, step_size, output_file): def main_calcul(bamfile_path, chr, seq_length, window_size, step_size, zscore_threshold, output_file):
sys.stderr.write("\t entering main_calcul\n") sys.stderr.write("\t entering main_calcul\n")
global seq global seq
# Calcul mappability # Appeler les différentes fonctions
map_data = Process(target = calcul_mappability, args=(seq_length, mappability, chr)) map_data = calcul_mappability(seq_length, mappability, chr)
gc_data = calcul_gc_content(seq_length, chr, seq)
# Calcul GC depth_data = calcul_depth_seq(seq_length, bamfile_path, chr)
gc_data = Process(target = calcul_gc_content, args = (seq_length, chr, seq))
# Calcul depth seq
depth_data = Process(target = calcul_depth_seq, args = (seq_length, bamfile_path, chr))
# Transférer le tableau NumPy vers CUDA # Transférer le tableau NumPy vers CUDA
d_depth_data = cuda.mem_alloc(depth_data.nbytes) d_depth_data = cuda.mem_alloc(depth_data.nbytes)
...@@ -274,7 +386,7 @@ def main_calcul(bamfile_path, chr, seq_length, window_size, step_size, output_fi ...@@ -274,7 +386,7 @@ def main_calcul(bamfile_path, chr, seq_length, window_size, step_size, output_fi
grid_size = int((int((seq_length - window_size) / step_size) + 1) / block_size)+1 grid_size = int((int((seq_length - window_size) / step_size) + 1) / block_size)+1
sys.stderr.write("\t grid_size = \n") sys.stderr.write("\t grid_size = \n")
# Initialiser le tableau pour stocker les résultats de la profondeur moyenne # Initialiser les tableaux pour stocker les résultats
depth_results = np.zeros(int((seq_length - window_size) / step_size) + 1, dtype=np.float32) depth_results = np.zeros(int((seq_length - window_size) / step_size) + 1, dtype=np.float32)
sys.stderr.write("\t Definition de depth_results\n") sys.stderr.write("\t Definition de depth_results\n")
...@@ -284,6 +396,18 @@ def main_calcul(bamfile_path, chr, seq_length, window_size, step_size, output_fi ...@@ -284,6 +396,18 @@ def main_calcul(bamfile_path, chr, seq_length, window_size, step_size, output_fi
map_results = np.zeros(int((seq_length - window_size) / step_size) + 1, dtype=np.float32) map_results = np.zeros(int((seq_length - window_size) / step_size) + 1, dtype=np.float32)
sys.stderr.write("\t Definition de map_results\n") sys.stderr.write("\t Definition de map_results\n")
depth_correction_results = np.zeros(int((seq_length - window_size) / step_size) + 1, dtype=np.float32)
sys.stderr.write("\t Definition de depth_correction_results\n")
normalize_depth_results = np.zeros(int((seq_length - window_size) / step_size) + 1, dtype=np.float32)
sys.stderr.write("\t Definition de normalize_depth_results\n")
ratio_par_window_results = np.zeros(int((seq_length - window_size) / step_size) + 1, dtype=np.float32)
sys.stderr.write("\t Definition de ratio_par_window\n")
z_score_results = np.zeros(int((seq_length - window_size) / step_size) + 1, dtype=np.float32)
sys.stderr.write("\t Definition de z_score_results\n")
# Allouer de la mémoire pour les résultats sur le périphérique CUDA # Allouer de la mémoire pour les résultats sur le périphérique CUDA
d_depth_results = cuda.mem_alloc(depth_results.nbytes) d_depth_results = cuda.mem_alloc(depth_results.nbytes)
sys.stderr.write("\t d_depth_results = %s\n" % d_depth_results.as_buffer(sys.getsizeof(d_depth_results))) sys.stderr.write("\t d_depth_results = %s\n" % d_depth_results.as_buffer(sys.getsizeof(d_depth_results)))
...@@ -297,15 +421,34 @@ def main_calcul(bamfile_path, chr, seq_length, window_size, step_size, output_fi ...@@ -297,15 +421,34 @@ def main_calcul(bamfile_path, chr, seq_length, window_size, step_size, output_fi
sys.stderr.write("\t d_map_results = %s\n" % d_map_results.as_buffer(sys.getsizeof(d_map_results))) sys.stderr.write("\t d_map_results = %s\n" % d_map_results.as_buffer(sys.getsizeof(d_map_results)))
sys.stderr.write("\t map_results.nbytes = %s\n" % map_results.nbytes) sys.stderr.write("\t map_results.nbytes = %s\n" % map_results.nbytes)
d_depth_correction_results = cuda.mem_alloc(depth_correction_results.nbytes)
sys.stderr.write("\t d_depth_correction_results = %s\n" % d_depth_correction_results.as_buffer(sys.getsizeof(d_depth_correction_results)))
sys.stderr.write("\t depth_correction_results.nbytes = %s\n" % depth_correction_results.nbytes)
d_normalize_depth_results = cuda.mem_alloc(normalize_depth_results.nbytes)
sys.stderr.write("\t d_normalize_depth_results = %s\n" % d_normalize_depth_results.as_buffer(sys.getsizeof(d_normalize_depth_results)))
sys.stderr.write("\t normalize_depth_results.nbytes = %s\n" % normalize_depth_results.nbytes)
d_ratio_par_window_results = cuda.mem_alloc(ratio_par_window_results.nbytes)
sys.stderr.write("\t d_ratio_par_window_results = %s\n" % d_ratio_par_window_results.as_buffer(sys.getsizeof(d_ratio_par_window_results)))
sys.stderr.write("\t ratio_par_window_results.nbytes = %s\n" % ratio_par_window_results.nbytes)
d_z_score_results = cuda.mem_alloc(z_score_results.nbytes)
sys.stderr.write("\t d_z_score_results = %s\n" % d_z_score_results.as_buffer(sys.getsizeof(d_z_score_results)))
sys.stderr.write("\t z_score_results.nbytes = %s\n" % z_score_results.nbytes)
# Appeler la fonction de calcul de profondeur avec CUDA # Appeler la fonction de calcul de profondeur avec CUDA
calcul_depth_kernel_cuda(d_depth_data, np.int32(seq_length), np.int32(window_size), np.int32(step_size), d_depth_results, block=(block_size, 1, 1), grid=(grid_size, 1)) calcul_depth_kernel_cuda(d_depth_data, np.int32(seq_length), np.int32(window_size), np.int32(step_size), d_depth_results, block=(block_size, 1, 1), grid=(grid_size, 1))
sys.stderr.write("\t appel fonction calc_depth_kernel_cuda\n") sys.stderr.write("\t appel fonction calcul_depth_kernel_cuda\n")
calcul_gc_kernel_cuda(d_gc_data, np.int32(seq_length), np.int32(window_size), np.int32(step_size), d_gc_results, block=(block_size, 1, 1), grid=(grid_size, 1)) calcul_gc_kernel_cuda(d_gc_data, np.int32(seq_length), np.int32(window_size), np.int32(step_size), d_gc_results, block=(block_size, 1, 1), grid=(grid_size, 1))
sys.stderr.write("\t appel fonction calc_gc_kernel_cuda\n") sys.stderr.write("\t appel fonction calcul_gc_kernel_cuda\n")
calcul_map_kernel_cuda(d_map_data, np.int32(seq_length), np.int32(window_size), np.int32(step_size), d_map_results, block=(block_size, 1, 1), grid=(grid_size, 1)) calcul_map_kernel_cuda(d_map_data, np.int32(seq_length), np.int32(window_size), np.int32(step_size), d_map_results, block=(block_size, 1, 1), grid=(grid_size, 1))
sys.stderr.write("\t appel fonction calc_map_kernel_cuda\n") sys.stderr.write("\t appel fonction calcul_map_kernel_cuda\n")
calcul_depth_correction_kernel_cuda(d_depth_results, d_map_results, np.int32(seq_length), np.int32(window_size), np.int32(step_size), d_depth_correction_results, block=(block_size, 1, 1), grid=(grid_size, 1))
sys.stderr.write("\t appel fonction calcul_depth_correction_kernel_cuda\n")
context.synchronize() context.synchronize()
...@@ -319,18 +462,109 @@ def main_calcul(bamfile_path, chr, seq_length, window_size, step_size, output_fi ...@@ -319,18 +462,109 @@ def main_calcul(bamfile_path, chr, seq_length, window_size, step_size, output_fi
cuda.memcpy_dtoh(map_results, d_map_results) #cuda.memcpy_dtoh(dest, src) cuda.memcpy_dtoh(map_results, d_map_results) #cuda.memcpy_dtoh(dest, src)
sys.stderr.write("\t Copie les resultats du GPU (d_map_results) vers le CPU (map_results)\n") sys.stderr.write("\t Copie les resultats du GPU (d_map_results) vers le CPU (map_results)\n")
cuda.memcpy_dtoh(depth_correction_results, d_depth_correction_results) #cuda.memcpy_dtoh(dest, src)
sys.stderr.write("\t Copie les resultats du GPU (d_depth_correction_results) vers le CPU (depth_correction_results)\n")
#Appel fonctions medianes
sys.stderr.write("\t appel fonctions calcul medianes\n")
m = calcul_med_total(depth_correction_results)
gc_to_median = calcul_med_same_gc(gc_results, depth_correction_results)
# Convertir gc_to_median en un tableau NumPy pour le transfert vers CUDA
sys.stderr.write("\t Conversion medianes en tableau numpy\n")
gc_to_median_array = np.zeros(int(max(gc_results)) + 1, dtype=np.float32)
for gc, median in gc_to_median.items():
gc_to_median_array[int(gc)] = median
# Allouer de la memoire pour gc_to_median sur le peripherique CUDA
sys.stderr.write("\t Allocation mémoire médianes GPU\n")
d_gc_to_median = cuda.mem_alloc(gc_to_median_array.nbytes)
cuda.memcpy_htod(d_gc_to_median, gc_to_median_array)
# Appeler le kernel de normalisation
normalize_depth_kernel_cuda(d_depth_correction_results, d_gc_results, np.float32(m), d_gc_to_median, np.int32(seq_length), np.int32(window_size), np.int32(step_size), d_normalize_depth_results, block=(block_size, 1, 1), grid=(grid_size, 1))
sys.stderr.write("\t appel fonction normalize_depth_kernel_cuda\n")
# Copier les resultats normalises depuis le peripherique CUDA vers l'hote
cuda.memcpy_dtoh(normalize_depth_results, d_normalize_depth_results)
###Ratio par window###
#Appel fonction moyenne
sys.stderr.write("\t appel fonction calcul moyenne\n")
mean_chr = calcul_moy_totale(normalize_depth_results)
# Appeler le kernel de normalisation
ratio_par_window_kernel_cuda(d_normalize_depth_results, np.float32(mean_chr), np.int32(seq_length), np.int32(window_size), np.int32(step_size), d_ratio_par_window_results, block=(block_size, 1, 1), grid=(grid_size, 1))
sys.stderr.write("\t appel fonction ratio_par_window_kernel_cuda\n")
# Copier les resultats ratio depuis le peripherique CUDA vers l'hote
cuda.memcpy_dtoh(ratio_par_window_results, d_ratio_par_window_results)
#Appel fonction ecart-type
sys.stderr.write("\t appel fonction ecart-type\n")
std_chr = calcul_std(normalize_depth_results)
# Appeler le kernel de normalisation
z_score_kernel_cuda(d_normalize_depth_results, np.float32(mean_chr), np.float32(std_chr), np.int32(seq_length), np.int32(window_size), np.int32(step_size), d_z_score_results, block=(block_size, 1, 1), grid=(grid_size, 1))
sys.stderr.write("\t appel fonction z_score_kernel_cuda\n")
# Copier les resultats ratio depuis le peripherique CUDA vers l'hote
cuda.memcpy_dtoh(z_score_results, d_z_score_results)
# Ecrire les résultats dans le fichier de sortie # Ecrire les résultats dans le fichier de sortie
with open(output_file, 'a') as f: # with open(output_file, 'a') as f:
sys.stderr.write("\t ecriture des fichiers\n") # sys.stderr.write("\t ecriture des fichiers\n")
for i, (avg_depth, avg_gc, avg_map) in enumerate(zip(depth_results, gc_results, map_results)): # for i, (avg_depth, avg_gc, avg_map, depth_correction, depth_normalize_val) in enumerate(zip(depth_results, gc_results, map_results, depth_correction_results, normalize_depth_results)):
# pos_start = (i * step_size) + 1
# pos_end = pos_start + window_size
# f.write(f"{chr}\t{pos_start}\t{pos_end}\t{avg_depth}\t{avg_gc}\t{avg_map}\t{depth_correction}\t{depth_normalize_val}\n")
# with open(output_file, 'a') as f:
# sys.stderr.write("\t ecriture des fichiers\n")
# for i, (depth_normalize_val, ratio, z_score) in enumerate(zip(normalize_depth_results, ratio_par_window_results, z_score_results)):
# pos_start = (i * step_size) + 1
# pos_end = pos_start + window_size
# f.write(f"{chr}\t{pos_start}\t{pos_end}\t{depth_normalize_val}\t{ratio}\t{z_score}\n")
# Filtrer les résultats selon le z-score et stocker dans un tableau NumPy
max_windows = int((seq_length - window_size) / step_size) + 1
filtered_windows = np.zeros((max_windows, 6), dtype=object)
count = 0
sys.stderr.write("\t stockage des zscore selon le threshold\n")
for i, (depth_normalize_val, ratio, z_score) in enumerate(zip(normalize_depth_results, ratio_par_window_results, z_score_results)):
if z_score <= -zscore_threshold or z_score >= zscore_threshold:
pos_start = (i * step_size) + 1 pos_start = (i * step_size) + 1
pos_end = pos_start + window_size pos_end = pos_start + window_size
f.write(f"{chr}\t{pos_start}\t{pos_end}\t{avg_depth}\t{avg_gc}\t{avg_map}\n") filtered_windows[count] = [chr, pos_start, pos_end, depth_normalize_val, ratio, z_score]
count += 1
# Redimensionner le tableau pour enlever les lignes inutilisées
filtered_windows = filtered_windows[:count]
# Écrire les résultats filtrés dans le fichier de sortie
with open(output_file, 'a') as f:
sys.stderr.write("\t ecriture des fichiers\n")
for window in filtered_windows:
# Programme principal # Programme principal
#Calcul nombre de coeurs max pour le GPU #Calcul nombre de coeurs max pour le GPU
device = cuda.Device(0) device = cuda.Device(0)
attributes = device.get_attributes() attributes = device.get_attributes()
num_cores = attributes[1] num_cores = attributes[1]
...@@ -348,7 +582,7 @@ with pysam.AlignmentFile(bamfile_path, "rb") as bamfile_handle: ...@@ -348,7 +582,7 @@ with pysam.AlignmentFile(bamfile_path, "rb") as bamfile_handle:
sys.stderr.write("Chromosome : %s, seq length : %s\n" % (chr, seq_length)) sys.stderr.write("Chromosome : %s, seq length : %s\n" % (chr, seq_length))
# Appeler la fonction de calcul de la profondeur moyenne pour ce chromosome # Appeler la fonction de calcul de la profondeur moyenne pour ce chromosome
main_calcul(bamfile_handle, chr, seq_length, window_size, step_size, output_file) main_calcul(bamfile_handle, chr, seq_length, window_size, step_size, zscore_threshold, output_file)
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