Commit 70f8dbd4 authored by Theo Serralta's avatar Theo Serralta

Adding options with getopt but don't work

parent e43cf539
import pysam
import concurrent.futures
import sys
import getopt
opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'b:w:s:t:o:e')
for opt, arg in opts:
if opt in ("-b"):
bamfile = arg
if opt in ("-w"):
window_size = int(arg)
if opt in ("-s"):
step_size = int(arg)
if opt in ("-t"):
num_threads = int(arg)
if opt in ("-o"):
output_file = open(arg, "w")
if opt in ("-e") :
logfile = open(arg, "w")
except getopt.GetoptError:
print('Invalid argument')
def calcul_depth_seq(bamfile, seq, window_size, step_size):
samfile = pysam.AlignmentFile(bamfile, "rb")
seq_length = samfile.lengths[samfile.references.index(seq)] #Permet d'obtenir la longueur de la sequence
for pos_start in range(0, seq_length - window_size +1, step_size): #Itère sur la sequence par "fenêtre" en fonction de la taille
pos_end = pos_start + window_size #pos_start + window_size donne la position de début de la fenêtre, puis grâce à min() et seq_length je peux définir position de fin. le min me permet d'être certain que pos_end < seq_lenght. C-a-d que si la fenêtre dépasse la taille de la sequence, j'aurais quand même pos_end
window_depths = [] #liste pour stocker la profondeur de chaque fenêtre
for pileupcolumn in samfile.pileup(seq, start=pos_start, stop=pos_end): #itère sur chaque colone de pileup
window_depths.append(pileupcolumn.n)#ajoute le nb de lecture couvrant cette position à la liste window_depths
if window_depths:#calcul la profondeur moyenne pour chaque sequence
avg_depth = sum(window_depths) / len(window_depths)
print(f"{seq}:{pos_start}-{pos_end}: {avg_depth}")
def calcul_depth_all(bamfile, window_size, step_size, num_threads):
samfile=pysam.AlignmentFile(bamfile, "rb")
with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers = num_threads) as executor:
futures = [] #liste pour stocker les futures
for seq in samfile.references:
future = executor.submit(calcul_depth_seq, bamfile, seq, window_size, step_size)
if output_file != sys.stdout:
if logfile:
#Programme principal
if len(sys.argv) <2 or bamfile is None:
print("Usage : File alignement .bam")
bamfile_path = bamfile
calcul_depth_all(bamfile_path, window_size, step_size, num_threads)
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