This is a singularity container packing a python 2.7 (only version) environment with all the programms necessary to execute the leafcutter software for RNA splicing. These include samtools, regtools and R3.6.0.
This is a singularity container packing a python 2.7 (only version) environment with all the programms necessary to execute the leafcutter software for RNA splicing. These include samtools, regtools and R3.6.0.
Leafcutter is installed in /usr/bin/leafcutter
run the command 'singularity test <image_name>.sif' to see the actual versions of the programms installed.
run the command 'singularity test <image_name>.sif' to see the actual versions of the programms installed.
Authors :
Authors :
@@ -27,142 +28,65 @@ dnf install -y make java-1.8.0-openjdk.x86_64
@@ -27,142 +28,65 @@ dnf install -y make java-1.8.0-openjdk.x86_64
# for R > 4 only
# for R > 4 only
dnf install -y pcre2.x86_64 pcre2-devel.x86_64
dnf install -y pcre2.x86_64 pcre2-devel.x86_64
# install R-3.6.0
# install R-4.3.0 to avoid problems with compilation AND distributional package during R compil