#!/bin/ksh ### GAD PIPELINE ### ## wrapper_create_html.sh ## Version : 1.0.0 ## Description : a wrapper for qsubing create_html.py script ## Usage : qsub -pe smp <nb thread> -v VCF_SNP=</path/to/the/input/vcf/file>,VCF_CNV=</path/to/the/input/vcf/file>,REPORTFILE=<path/to/the/HLAscan/report>,BAMFILE=</path/to/the/bam>,TSVFILE=</path/to/the/tsv>,OUTPUTFILE=</path/to/the/output/vcf/file>,[LOGFILE=/path/to/the/log/file],[CONFIGFILE=/path/to/the/config/file] wrapper_create_html.sh ## Output : create_html.py output ## Requirements : Recquire script create_html.py and VcfTools ## Author : Simon.Verdez@u-bourgogne.fr ## Creation Date : 20180802 ## last revision date : 20180802 ## Known bugs : None #$ -q batch #$ -V # Log file path option if [ -z ${LOGFILE} ] then LOGFILE=annotate_variants.$(date +"%F_%H-%M-%S").log fi # Config file path option if [ -z ${CONFIGFILE} ] then CONFIGFILE=analysis_config.tsv fi # Logging exec 1>> $LOGFILE 2>&1 echo "$(date +"%F_%H-%M-%S"): START" # Check if config file exist if [ ! -f $VCF_SNP ] then echo "Vcf SNP file does not exist" echo "$(date +"%F_%H-%M-%S"): END" touch create_html.failed exit 1 fi if [ ! -f $VCF_CNV ] then echo "Vcf CNV file does not exist" echo "$(date +"%F_%H-%M-%S"): END" touch create_html.failed exit 1 fi if [ ! -f $REPORTFILE ] then echo "Report HLAscan file does not exist" echo "$(date +"%F_%H-%M-%S"): END" touch create_html.failed exit 1 fi if [ ! -f $BAMFILE ] then echo "BAM file does not exist" echo "$(date +"%F_%H-%M-%S"): END" touch create_html.failed exit 1 fi if [ ! -f $TSVFILE ] then echo "TSV file does not exist" echo "$(date +"%F_%H-%M-%S"): END" touch create_html.failed exit 1 fi # Check if output file is specified if [ -z $OUTPUTFILE ] then echo "Output file is not specified" echo "$(date +"%F_%H-%M-%S"): END" touch create_html.failed exit 1 fi PYTHONBIN=`grep pythonbin $CONFIGFILE | cut -f2` PIPELINEBASE=`grep pipelinebase $CONFIGFILE | cut -f2` # Launch python script command and check exit code echo "command : $PIPELINEBASE/create_html.py -v $VCF_SNP -c $VCF_CNV -h $REPORTFILE -b $BAMFILE -t $TSVFILE -o $OUTPUTFILE -e $LOGFILE" $PYTHONBIN $PIPELINEBASE/create_html.py -v $VCF_SNP -c $VCF_CNV -h $REPORTFILE -b $BAMFILE -t $TSVFILE -o $OUTPUTFILE -e $LOGFILE create_html_exitcode=$? echo "create_html exit code : $annotate_variants_exitcode" if [ $creaete_html_exitcode != 0 ] then echo "$(date +"%F_%H-%M-%S"): END" touch create_html.failed exit 1 fi echo "$(date +"%F_%H-%M-%S"): END"