#! /bin/sh ### ASDP PIPELINE ### ## launch_pipeline.sh ## Version : 0.0.1 ## Licence : aGPLv3 ## Description: used to test if pipeline is parallelized on n machines ## Usage: Launched in place of pipeline.sh. To use it, replace pipeline.sh by fake_pipeline.sh in launch_pipeline.sh ## Output: FIXME ## Requirements: FIXME ## Author : anne-sophie.denomme-pichon@u-bourgogne.fr ## Creation Date : 20191208 ## last revision date : 20200215 ## Known bugs : None SAMPLE="$1" # Check if sample is specified if [ -z "$SAMPLE" ] then echo "Sample is not specified" echo "$(date +"%F_%H-%M-%S"): END" exit 1 fi DURATION=$((RANDOM%15+5)) echo "Starting $SAMPLE" sleep $DURATION echo " Finished $SAMPLE ($DURATION sec)"