#! /bin/sh ### ASDP PIPELINE ### ## Version: 0.0.1 ## Licence: AGPLv3 ## Author: anne-sophie.denomme-pichon@u-bourgogne.fr ## Description: script to generate automatically a manifest and multisampleprofile in a tsv format, then do outlier analyses for a single patient # Source the configuration file . ./config.sh # Logging LOGFILE="$OUTPUTDIR/$CASE/ehdn/$CASE.ehdn_outlier.$(date +"%F_%H-%M-%S").log" exec 1>> "$LOGFILE" 2>&1 echo "$(date +"%F_%H-%M-%S"): START" # Check if case is specified if [ -z "$CASE" ] then echo "Sample is not specified" echo "$(date +"%F_%H-%M-%S"): END" exit 1 fi # Generate manifest for one patient with all samples (to write lines in the file) cd "$OUTPUTDIR" for sample in * do # Check if str_profile.json exists if [ -f "$OUTPUTDIR/$sample/ehdn/$sample.str_profile.json" ] then if [ "x$sample" = "x$CASE" ] then echo -e "$sample\tcase\t$OUTPUTDIR/$sample/ehdn/$sample.str_profile.json" else echo -e "$sample\tcontrol\t$OUTPUTDIR/$sample/ehdn/$sample.str_profile.json" fi fi done > "$OUTPUTDIR/$CASE/ehdn/$CASE.manifest.tsv" ehdn_outlier_exitcode=$? echo "ehdn_outlier exit code : $ehdn_outlier_exitcode" if [ $ehdn_outlier_exitcode != 0 ] then echo "$(date +"%F_%H-%M-%S"): END" exit 1 fi # Generate multisampleprofile for one patient with all samples "$EHDN" merge \ --reference "$REFERENCE" \ --manifest "$OUTPUTDIR/$CASE/ehdn/$CASE.manifest.tsv" \ --output-prefix "$CASE/ehdn/$CASE" ehdn_outlier_exitcode=$? echo "ehdn_outlier exit code : $ehdn_outlier_exitcode" if [ $ehdn_outlier_exitcode != 0 ] then echo "$(date +"%F_%H-%M-%S"): END" exit 1 fi # Run locus-based comparison analysis "$EHDN_OUTLIER" locus \ --manifest "$OUTPUTDIR/$CASE/ehdn/$CASE.manifest.tsv" \ --multisample-profile "$OUTPUTDIR/$CASE/ehdn/$CASE.multisample_profile.json" \ --output "$OUTPUTDIR/$CASE/ehdn/$CASE.outlier_locus.tsv" ehdn_outlier_exitcode=$? echo "ehdn_outlier exit code : $ehdn_outlier_exitcode" if [ $ehdn_outlier_exitcode != 0 ] then echo "$(date +"%F_%H-%M-%S"): END" exit 1 fi # Run motif_based comparison analysis "$EHDN_OUTLIER" motif \ --manifest "$OUTPUTDIR/$CASE/ehdn/$CASE.manifest.tsv" \ --multisample-profile "$OUTPUTDIR/$CASE/ehdn/$CASE.multisample_profile.json" \ --output "$OUTPUTDIR/$CASE/ehdn/$CASE.outlier_motif.tsv" ehdn_outlier_exitcode=$? echo "ehdn_outlier exit code : $ehdn_outlier_exitcode" if [ $ehdn_outlier_exitcode != 0 ] then echo "$(date +"%F_%H-%M-%S"): END" exit 1 fi echo "$(date +"%F_%H-%M-%S"): END"